Examples Of Excellent Financial Goals 

Bella Dippenaar
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We all have goals and objectives that we hope to achieve in our lives. Wishing for something and expecting it to happen, on the other hand, will not get you very far. The most effective way to align your aspirations with your available resources is to take charge of your financial situation and develop a strategy for how you will spend your money. Setting financial goals gives you a reason to take care of your finances. You can create a plan to achieve your financial goals if you start by visualizing the result. 

The following statement from an Inc Magazine article emphasizes the importance of goals: “Goal-setting alters the structure of your brain so that you perceive and behave in ways that will cause you to achieve those goals.” [Citation required] The statement “goal-setting alters the structure of your brain” emphasizes the significance of goals. Setting goals for yourself, in other words, is the foundation of your success. 

Having said that, establishing and prioritizing your financial goals can be difficult at times, especially if you are also thinking about other things. In this essay, I will walk you through some examples of financial goals that are not only simple but also highly productive in order toto help you get started. 

What are some monetary goals? 

Your financial goals can be thought of as the targets or landmarks that you want your money to cover at any given time. Your financial goal should be crystal clear, whether it is saving money for an unexpected need, paying off all of your debt, or taking a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Keep in mind that reaching your financial objectives does not have to be contingent on making specific purchases; they could include things like: 

  • Adopting a more simple and minimalist way of life 
  • Obtaining additional funds through the performance of a side gig. 
  • It is a goal to become a millionaire before the age of forty. 
  • Donating a specific amount of money to a worthy organization 
  • Changing one’s mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance 
  • Increasing the amount of money you earn at work 
  • On the other hand, you should avoid combining a procedure with a financial goal. 
  • A sound financial plan and a financial goal will both tell you what the result will be, but a financial objective will tell you whether or not you will achieve your goal. 

The first step in achieving your goals is determining exactly what it is that you want.

Why are financial goals important? 

Day-to-day expenses will demand your attention, but you must prioritize achieving your financial goals. Establishing a budget and working on cutting costs while keeping your goals in mind will make it much easier for you to keep track of your spending. 

Setting financial goals will help you remember why you chose a particular financial path in the first place. When you spend less money on clothing or decide to make dinner at home rather than ordering it from a delivery service, intentional spending will not feel like a form of deprivation to you. 

Make sure your objectives are crystal clear 

Make sure your goals are crystal clear. This is necessary to define worthwhile goals. When you are working toward a goal, clarity will help you avoid making the common mistakes that people make. 

If you make your goal as clear as possible, you are more likely to be inspired to continue working toward it. Instead of saying, “I want to buy a car in three years,” be more specific about the color, make, and model of the car you want to buy in three years. 

When I was in middle school, making a vision board was a popular activity. You should be enthusiastic about your financial goals. It will be easier for you to focus on the financial goal you have set for yourself if you look at your vision board or go over your list of goals. 

Examples of monetary goals organized by timeline 

Now that we’ve established a timeframe for achieving our objectives, let’s look at some examples of financial objectives that can be leveraged using that timeline. 

Financial objectives for the next 12 to 24 months 

It is recommended that funds for short-term financial goals be kept in a savings account because this makes the money more accessible. You can deposit money into these savings accounts either monthly or on a paycheck-by-paycheck basis. 

You can also set aside any extra money that comes your way for short-term goals, such as a tax refund, a check from the stimulus package, or a bonus check. The following are some concrete examples of short-term monetary objectives: 

  • Set aside money for future travel. 
  • Savings on Christmas gifts 
  • Wedding preparations 
  • Renovation/Home Improvement 
  • Creating a reserve for unexpected expenses 
  • Debt elimination 
  • Medium-term objectives: two to five years. 

CDs, also known as certificates of deposit, are a great way to store money that you may not need right away. Online savings account interest rates are typically higher than those offered by traditional savings accounts. 

It’s possible that meeting your short-term financial goals will require less money and planning than meeting your long-term financial goals. These are goals that you may have for the distant future or that you may incorporate into your list of yearly goals. Some examples of financial objectives that can be met in the medium term are: 

  • Saving money for a down payment on a house 
  • Cash transactions for the purchase of a car 
  • Long-term goals: five years or more 

Long-term financial goals will necessitate careful planning and unwavering determination. It is very easy to become overwhelmed by long-term goals if you do not make it clear to yourself why you must achieve them. 

When working toward a long-term goal, such as saving enough money for retirement, it is easy to lose focus because you will be on the path to achieving that goal for an extended period. 

The key to meeting your financial goals is to constantly remind yourself of why they are important to you. Consider putting any money you are saving for a long-term financial goal into the stock market because you will not need the money right away. 

Given the low interestlow-interest rates offered by savings accounts, you may want to consider investing in 401(k), Roth IRAs, or 529 programs instead. Long-term financial goals can include the following: 

  • Investing in a child’s future education 
  • Putting money aside for retirement 
  • completing a mortgage payment 
  • Important aspects of one’s financial goals 

It is critical to have an accurate estimate of how much money you will need to save and how long you will need to save it. Making a list of everything you want to accomplish with your money and developing a savings strategy is the first step toward realizing your financial dream. Make sure your objectives are both SMART and specific. These are time-bound objectives that are also specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. 

The following are some examples of SMART goals


This entails providing a detailed description of your personal goals. For example, by the time I buy a house, I want to have a $30,000 savings account. 


In essence, what you need to do is choose a unit of measurement for tracking your progress. For example, if you want to have $30,000 in five years, you must save $500 every month for the next sixty months. 


To be successful in achieving your goals, you must plan out specific measures that will bring you closer to your goals. For example, I could accomplish this goal by working more hours at my current job, starting a side business, or a combination of the two. Any bonuses I receive will be applied to my goal of saving for a down payment. 


You will also need to set goals for yourself that are realistic in light of factors such as how much money you make, how much time you have, and what you are capable of. For example, to save money, I will reduce the number of times I dine out and cancel my cable subscription as well as my gym membership. Within the next twelve months, I will increase my salary by $5,000. 


Last but not least, you must set a specific deadline by which you intend to complete all of your objectives. E.g. One of my five-year goals is to purchase a home. In five years, I will have saved enough money for a 20% downpayment on a $150,000 home. 

Use these targets as models for your financial goals

Spend some time in a journal writing about the things you truly want and why you want them. When you have a clear idea of what you want, you will be able to prioritize your goals and create a timeline for when you want to complete each one. 

The first step is to determine your financial goals, but you also need a strategy to ensure that you have the resources to achieve them. While reducing your outgoing expenses is a great place to start, increasing your revenue is another excellent strategy that can help you achieve your financial goals.